Author name: Andy

Market Report

Forage and Markets Update – June 2020 #2


With the welcome rain in most areas and with unsettled weather for this week grass growth rates will start to pick up. With moisture now in the soil and if fertiliser has not been applied then now would be a good time to maximise this damp weather.

Forage Market Report June 2020 #2

If you have started feeding silage to help with the shortage of grazed grass then it would be a good idea to get it tested so that the ration can be balanced.



Sterling ended the week as it started against the Euro and the $

£/euro 1.122 £/$ 1.26


There has been a slight move in the price of soya beans upwards which will see an increase in meal.


The market for maize has restarted in the US as the requirement for ethanol is slowly returning to normal. This will help with many of the related feed products supply.

Wheat and Barley are generally being controlled by the effects of the weather here in the UK and Europe but also in areas of Russia.
Ex-farm grain prices

Spot Harvest Nov
Wheat £162 £157 £163
Barley £125 £127 £129
OSR     £317 £317 £329… Read the rest

Forage and Markets Update – June 2020 #2 Read More »

Market Report

Forage and Markets Update – June 2020


Although the grass growth rates for last week fell again the welcome rain from the middle of the week onwards and cooler conditions has meant that the grass and other crops have started to grow again but more is needed to make the resurgence sustainable.

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Markets : 


Sterling has strengthened on the markets as the easing of the lockdown pushes forward.

£/Euro 1.122           £/$  1.26


Plantings in the US are well above the 5yr average but with dry conditions and increasing temp the harvest forecast has been down graded. Brazilian Soya has seen a 55% increase on the same time last year, but the farmers are reluctant sellers.


The price fell by £10/t which sparked some interest in the market.


Prices for Wheat have firmed a little with the dry weather and barley has edged up for the same reason.

Ex-farm prices:

                         Spot            Harvest           Nov

      Wheat      £164             £161              £166

      Barley                             £127             £129

      OSR           £317             £317             £329… Read the rest

Forage and Markets Update – June 2020 Read More »

Market Report

Forage and Markets Update – May 2020


The lack of rain is the main controlling factor with most of southern England having no real rainfall for many weeks and none on the weather forecast.

Grass growth rates have fallen off rapidly, quality is good.

It may be time to access forage stocks for the winter and look at other sources such as stubble turnips, forage rape, kale, etc.

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Currency:  Sterling had a little high at the end of the week against both the $ and Euro but the bankers don’t think that this will last.

            £1 = 1.118 euro    $1.22


US plantings are well ahead of the 5year average with a slight easing of new and old crop prices. China has been out of the market keeping things quite.


With the easing of the lockdown and the increasing use of the car will see the need for an increase of ethanol and therefore some of the plants will come back online allowing product to come to the market


Little movement on the cereals market with only a slight increase in Barley as the lack of rain is going to have a big effect on spring barley yields.

Ex-farm prices

                           Spot            Harvest           Nov 20

Feed wheat     £156             £159               £164

Feed Barley     £123             £120               £126

OSR                   £312             £312               £322 … Read the rest

Forage and Markets Update – May 2020 Read More »

Market Report

Forage & Markets Update


The main controlling factor at the moment is low rainfall but it looks like this may change this week with rain forecasted and a more unsettled weather period for the next 7-10 days.

April 2020 Forage Update



Continues to be on a one way journey down losing £60/t in the last 3wks.

Rape meal

Markets are stagnant but with low oil demand and crushers not operating has held the prices high.


In short supply as the demand for Ethanol has crashed majority of the plants in the US are at a standstill.


  • Wheat, slight movement up @ £160/t Nov ex farm with a large differential against barley @ £30/t Nov.
  • Rain being a controlling factor for recently planted and struggling crops.
  • Russia has band large volume wheat exports as it does not want to be left short.
  • Biscuit meal up slightly on the back of wheat.

Ex-Farm                 Spot               Harvest              Nov                

Feed Wheat        £150                 £152                 £162

Feed Barley        £127                 £125                 £132 

OSR                      £307                 £311                 £317


Still looking at price rises for the summer.… Read the rest

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