The lack of rain is the main controlling factor with most of southern England having no real rainfall for many weeks and none on the weather forecast.
Grass growth rates have fallen off rapidly, quality is good.
It may be time to access forage stocks for the winter and look at other sources such as stubble turnips, forage rape, kale, etc.

Currency: Sterling had a little high at the end of the week against both the $ and Euro but the bankers don’t think that this will last.
£1 = 1.118 euro $1.22
US plantings are well ahead of the 5year average with a slight easing of new and old crop prices. China has been out of the market keeping things quite.
With the easing of the lockdown and the increasing use of the car will see the need for an increase of ethanol and therefore some of the plants will come back online allowing product to come to the market
Little movement on the cereals market with only a slight increase in Barley as the lack of rain is going to have a big effect on spring barley yields.
Ex-farm prices
Spot Harvest Nov 20
Feed wheat £156 £159 £164
Feed Barley £123 £120 £126
OSR £312 £312 £322