The F1 Mineral Portfolio is a range of highly specified mineral supplements designed for specific situations for high-output systems. High yielding cows tend to draw nutrients from their own body reserves more often than lower-yielding animals. This is usually because the basic diet is lacking in supply of essential minerals and vitamins. F1 minerals have been specifically designed to bridge this gap. The benefits are more sustainable production, healthier feet, better fertility and general health status with an improvement in longevity as a result.

CaPMgSaltVit AVit D3Vit EVit B12NiacinCoMnCuZnISe
 %%%%000,s iu/Kg000,s iu/Kg000,s iu/Kg000,s iu/Kg000,s iu/KgMg/
F1 TMR Dairybal.5101840030043750 6060001500800040035
F1 TMR Dairy DD1bal.510184003006.55000 60500015001000045025
F1 TMR Dairy SCC Elitebal.610204003006.55000 6060001500800040035
F1 Summer TMR Dairy SCC Elitebal.510183001502.53750 6060001500800040025
High Magnesiumbal.422173001200.43500 606000750450025025
F1 Dry Cow Build Up2820155001207.550008009560001500800045025

F1 TMR Dairy ** # (IF)

F1 TMR Dairy mineral is designed to help high yielding, high genetic merit, early lactation cows get back in calf and maintain overall health.

This mineral contains high levels of Availamins© Copper Zinc Manganese and in 2019 Selenium. F1 TMR Dairy is also suitable for cows undergoing ET flushing programs.

Feeding rates:

Dairy Cows150-200g (5-7oz)/day
Beef Cows100-150g (3-5oz)/day

F1 TMR Dairy DD1 ** # (IF)

F1 TMR Dairy DD1 mineral is designed for balancing TMR rations. It features high levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin B12; also high levels of Selenium, and especially elevated Zinc and Vitamin E.

This mineral has been designed to minimise the impact of Digital Dermatitis and the formulation is supported by a growing body of research and trial data (2020) F1 TMR Dairy DD1 is essential to supplement the deficiencies which commonly occur in TMR rations.

This mineral contains high levels of Availamins© Copper Zinc Manganese and in 2019 Selenium.

Feeding Rates:-

Dairy Cows120-150g(4-5oz)/day
Growing Heifers50-100g(2-3.5oz)/day

F1 TMR Dairy SCC Elite ** # (IF)

F1 TMR Dairy SCC Elite mineral is designed for balancing TMR rations. It features high levels of Vitamin E and Vitamin B12; also high levels of Selenium, and high inclusions of Zinc and Vitamin E.

This mineral has been designed to minimise the impact of high Somatic Cell counts, This formulation is supported by a proven body of research and trial data. F1 TMR Dairy SCC Elite is a great choice to supplement the deficiencies which commonly occur in TMR rations.

This mineral contains high levels of Availamins© Copper Zinc Manganese and in 2019 Selenium.

Feeding Rates:-

Dairy Cows120-150g(4-5oz)/day
Growing Heifers50-100g(2-3.5oz)/day

F1 Summer-TMR Dairy SCC Elite ** # (FA)

F1 Summer-TMR Dairy SCC Elite mineral is a revised version of the standard F1 TMR SCC Elite formula designed for high yielding cows at grass.

The mineral supplement has been designed to minimise the impact of high Somatic Cell counts frequently aggravated by wet and muddy walks over grassland and cow paths. This formulation is supported by a proven body of research and trial data.

F1 Summer-TMR Dairy SCC Elite is a great choice to supplement the deficiencies which commonly occur in grazing rations.

This mineral contains high levels of Availamins© Copper Zinc Manganese and in 2019 Selenium.

Feeding Rates:-

Dairy Cows120-150g(4-5oz)/day
Growing heifers50-100g(3.5-5oz)/day

High Magnesium (FA)

High Magnesium mineral is not just high in magnesium, it recognises that spring and autumn pastures are also deficient in most of the trace elements. This is frequently borne out by mineral assays on fresh grass. High Magnesium mineral is weather-proofed and palatable, ensuring optimum intakes at all times.

Feeding rates:-

Adult Cows120g(4oz)/day
Growing Heifers50-100g(2-3.5oz)/day

F1 Dry Cow Build Up ** # (FA)

F1 Dry Cow Build Up is a very high specification mineral aimed at getting the late lactation cow fully recovered and ready to start her next lactation. Supplying the dry cow with a diet that is low in Calcium and high in Phosphorus and Magnesium is accepted as a good precaution against milk fever. Pre-calving mineral supplementation has also been shown to improve milk quality in the subsequent lactation.

This mineral contains high levels of Vitamin E, Niacin, Availamins© Copper Zinc Manganese and in 2019 Selenium

Niacin has been shown to improve liver function,

Feeding rates:-

Adult Cows90-180g(3-6oz)/day

**Contains Availamins # Contains 7mg/Kg Availa Selenium

FA Free access minerals contain waterproofing, spice & molasses. IF = In Feed mineral

Note F1 Dry Cow Build Up contains 10 mg/Kg Availa Selenium.